I am humbled by friends and family members near and far who responded to an email I sent with loving action. Per Nanas request, I sent an email to family and friends asking them to join us in prayer and fasting on her behalf today.
For almost as long as I can remember my mom has struggled with depression and anxiety. But in the last handful of months, it has been worse then ever before and fairly debilitating. Her faith led her to reach out to others knowing there is power in that combined faith. I felt that power today and I'm incredibly thankful!
The Book of Mormon prophet Alma explained to people who wanted to follow Christ that they needed to be "willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort." (Mosiah 18:8-9). That is what I felt today. And that is what humbled me today as so many people responded to my email, stopped me in the halls at church or even dropped something off at our house to let us know that they would help bear Nanas burden, that it hopefully may be lighter, and mourn and comfort her.
Oh how I hope she feels it to!
Meanwhile the Keags and Rys had no idea such deep and powerful things were going on, even after our little chat about it. Instead, their intensity was focused on the most serious tea party I have ever had the pleasure of attending. Since I was fasting, I was happy to "eat" plastic sushi, ice cream and a pumpkin. I just wish I hadn't been so under dressed for the occasion!

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