Keagan and Riley have got to be the cutest Texan/Hawaian/Japanese/Chinese (with an emphasis on Texan) girls I ever did see! They wore their hand me down pink cowgirl boots, denim dresses, pink bandanas and pink cowgirl hats today. I knew Riley wouldn't really keep a hat on for long, so luckily yesterday I found the cutest mini cowgirl hat on a headband! She loved it and was upset she couldn't sleep in it last night. This morning I seriously think they could not be any cuter!

At school the girls celebrated with a hoe down. I'm pretty sure that watching Kindergarteners dance is my new favorite hobby! I could do that all day! Ridiculously darling!
The awesome coaches and music teachers put Riley right next to Keagan. They said the girls obviously wanted to be together and that everyone in Keagan's class is so sweet to Riley. All those cute 6 year old dressed in their boots and hats did six songs and dances. My favorite was "I See a Texas Lonestar." Riley did all the actions pretty good to that one, probably because Keags has been singing it all week. On others she was so enamored with all that was going on that she just periodically danced between all her people watching. Keagan on the other hand had all the moves down, was right on beat and even enthusiastically sang along! As she had told me she would this morning, at the end if one song Keagan took off her hat and threw it in the air!

Riley, Keagan, Carera, Piper and Katherine

Keagan and Jayden

Today was seriously just the cutest ever! They both had a blast and were so tickled that Sa and Addie came I watch!

Yee haw! Get em cowgirls!
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