I helped 15 crazy kids in Keagans class this morning with a fun 100th day assignment and got to hang out with Riley's class in art for a bit! I usually volunteer at the school for a little while on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Every time I leave, I come away super thankful for teachers who have such a tough job! Man we do not pay them enough! Teachers and moms need a whole lot more love people!
I know my girls teachers have done a bang up job for the last 100 days! All of these crazy kids are definitely 100 days smarter!
Such a cute little class!! I can't even!

Oh these cute kids too! Whose kid is show boatin in the top left with the pose?!

Riley was super serious about her hat and Keagan dared try and straighten it for the picture! When they tried to take it off her at school today, for the first time they saw how Riley girl can throw a tantrum! They said she dropped to the ground instantly and went from 0 to 60 in one second! They were SO shocked! Makes me chuckle.

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