And then there are the times that I make really stupid choices! Like really stupid. Those are the mommy fails. We all have them. So let's start with the good stuff first.
Friday I took Keagan lunch at school like she has been begging for. I'm at that school all the time but Im never there for lunch. I finally gave in and she was SO sweet and loving. She kept telling me "mommy thank you! I love you so much!" That's like a check for 100 grand to this mom!

I found an awesome deal on new swimsuits for the girls. Even better news is they both loved them so much that they slept in them! For the last three nights in a row!

We spent Sunday morning before church playing games and making puppets. I think it is so hilarious that Keagan loves to make up games for us to play by combining 10 different games she has played at school so that it is super complicated with endless amounts of rules and directions!

And then there are the mommy fails. Oh that just might be the 10 times I snapped at the girls this weekend because I'm still sick or when I totally yelled at them right before church! You know nothing gets you in the spirit of worship like a good tongue lashing! Oh and then when I got to church and sat down, I realized I was wearing flip flops! Yep, a mom fail.
On Mondays I pick up Riley a half hour early from school to get her to therapy. Apparently on this Monday she had a massive diaper and had to take advantage of the extra pair of clothes I send in her backpack. Unfortunately this mom hadn't updated them from beginning of the school year. That means Riley went to therapy in shorts when it was 40 degrees and wet outside! I got a look or two. Definitely a mom fail!
But then there is the most spectaculars of mom fails. This one is a real doozey, so brace yourself!
The other night when we got home, I let Keagan roll down the passenger side window and get the mail for us. Then all I had to do was safely drive up the driveway while my six year old was STANDING in the front seat NOT buckled!! That was my first great decision. My second great decision was to give into her demands to "drive crazy" as I'm occasionally known to do. But I only ever do it in the driveway while my children are securely buckled in their car seats! But since I'm a total genius and a really good mom, I stop short to get a cheap laugh and wouldn't you know...

I caused my kids head to slam into my windshield and totally crack it! The good news is she said it didn't hurt, miraculously!! That's a Ginn head for ya! The bad news is she felt so guilty, burst into tears and offered me her hard earned 4 dollars in her piggy bank!
I have repeatedly assured her that it was 100% my fault. I have assured her that this was a mom fail! And an expensive one at that! Mother of the year right here!
Hey, you win some. You lose some. But on second thought maybe I will take that piggy bank money!
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That is the BEST mommy fail in the history of EVER! You should be very proud. Now, with regards to the snapping - I want to remind you that your mother NEVER EVER EVER snapped at you. EVER. You have no excuses.
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh i am dying! we've all been there!! too many time to count! you tell the best stories :)