Both Riley and I caught the crud goin around. To no ones surprise, she is taking it like a champ and I am acting like I got hit by a truck! It's pretty sad to see a grown woman be so pathetic and a six year old show her how it should be done.
Story of my life!
But I've decided that tonight I am actually going to be able to sleep all night and then tomorrow I am going to wake up a new woman! A resolute commitment is all I need for that to happen, right? Maybe that and the Z-pack my doctor prescribed today, an unhealthy amount of orange juice and some good ole NyQuil! Either way, tomorrow both Riley and I are going to be completely healed and happy! I'm really hopin!
And in the midst of body aches, chills and coughing, my amazing friend Emily drops off some sunshine! I don't know what I have done to be so blessed with such incredible people in my life!! But I better figure it out soon so I can keep doing it!

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