My favorite little Valentines ever, each treated me to the cutest handmade cards from school! Six year old handmade things have got to be one of my absolute favorites! Keagan's even came in the mail! Seriously precious!

I gave those two kindergarten charmers chocolates and headphones that Keagan has been dying for! I've had to force Keags to take them off so many times today and when Riley wears them I think the music tickles her ears so she just laughs and laughs! Best 5 bucks I've spent at Target in a while!

I also took them to paint pottery. I'm always one for creating a memory more then getting a gift. We ended up having quite a cute little celebration!

In addition to all the other sweet things friends have already done for us this week, today Sa gave all three of us darling Valentines gifts and the Petersons and McArthurs surprised us with a large tray full of mini heart shaped cakes/brownies! They were delicious and so thoughtful!

Since getting divorced, Valentines Day isn't really one of my favorites. But today was simple, easy and wonderful. So many friends and family this week really made my holiday by thinking of us and taking the time to show us they care about us! I was totally compelled to say a gratitude prayer today, just driving down the street, as I am so thankful for all these wonderful and sincere people that The Lord has placed in my life!
Plus, I couldn't have celebrated this day with two cuter people, or anyone I love more! So we end the festivities feeling loved, loved, loved!
Happy Valentines Day 2015!
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