I believe in God.
And the God I know is in the details of our lives. Wether we pay attention and recognize it or not, He orchestrates the big stuff and directs the small. He plays a part in the grand, and even the minute. Oh, and He loves to POUR blessings upon us as the scriptures state. Not sprinkle, pour. I can testify that He is working things out for us. On His own time table, of course, and not in the way we always think is best. But He is always working. And while He is working, if we add our faith and gratitude to that foundation, then miracles bloom! And man, they are beautiful!
A miracle is a wonderful working of God, and you know we believe in miracles BIG TIME around here! I have two of the greatest miracles ever made that are sound asleep in my house right now! If you had lived this life with the two of them, you would shout the miracles from the roof top too!
There have been hard things and stupid things that happened this week. Of course there has. But amidst that, I barely had to take a peek to see there are miracles all around us! It is amazing, but those beautiful miracles just keep on coming! And if it's one thing I know, when I recognize those miracles, identify them and thank The Lord for them, then more of them come!
So that's exactly what we will do!
Last night a HUGE miracle happened at our house! Both my babies slept in their own big girl beds all night again! Yes they are six. But with Keagan it has just been a battle I haven't had the energy to fight for way too long. And the Nana had gotten Riley in the bad habit of sleeping in her bed the last several months. So I mean it when I tell you that it was totally the workings of The Lord to get both girls to miraculously want to sleep in their own beds again over the last week or two! It was not by much effort of my own, but totally a miracle that caused big change of hearts for both girls! Ones that I appreciate immensely!

Riley is also doing so great recovering from her cold! It wasn't too long ago that getting a simple cold virus meant spending days in the hospital on oxygen for my sweet girl. I truly find it to be miraculous that her determined little body can now keep her asthma in check and fight like a girl to kick that respiratory crap out of there!

Sometimes The Lord even miraculously answers unsaid prayers. For weeks I have been lamenting over Riley's therapy schedule. It is a twisted web of schedule balancing and getting the best for Riley that makes any changes very difficult. I had wanted a certain change to her Wednesday leave school early for therapy day, but knew it was all but impossible to do. So I hadn't even prayed about it or mentioned it to anyone. Then to my surprise, they called me and asked me if we would be willing to make that exact change this week! That is a huge blessing for both of us! And one that I know is a miracle!
Not everything is rainbows and gumdrops. Life can be hard. It's a lot of hard work! But there are so many blessings, and incredible miracles that He pours out along this path that bring so much joy! My eyes are open and constantly looking for all those miracles being sent. And I'm still missing a ton of them. I guarantee you are too!
Take a look around today. It will probably amaze you how many miracles are happening in your life. It's not luck, or coincidence. It is God.
My God.
His miracles will continue to amaze me.
"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
Alma 26:12
The Book of Mormon
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