We went with the Frenchs to eat at Tucanos. I worked at the original Tucanos all through college and now they've opened one in Houston. It was fun to walk down memory lane, the kids loved the party favors and of course the food was so delicious!

Then we had a quick dance party and did fireworks to really end the year with a bang! We partied all the way up til 10:30 when I finally got the babies in bed! That's is unheard of but totally worth the fun!

She's yelling from excitement! Riley absolutely loves fireworks. Keagan is a little more cautious. Riley loved holding the sparklers and Roman candles. Keags, not so much. But Keags was everyone's cheerleader tonight. I'm not sure what was louder, the fireworks or her cheers and Riley's yells of excitement!
I am thankful for the lessons that 2013 taught me. And I'm very thankful for the miracles in our lives that we received in 2014. But I'm also aware of my shortcomings this year and the losses we suffered. I'm ready for 2014 and all the possibilities it holds! It's exciting. So bring it on 2014! Let's make it a great one!
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