There is SO much to get done in December! My head is spinning and I think I may have 37 lists. But we are surviving and trying to enjoy all the fun things of the season.
Elmer, our Elf on the Shelf is back! The girls absolutely love him! And I always love having good leverage.

Sa is once again totally amazing and did the 12 days of Christmas for my girls! We call it the Santa box. Riley snuck away the other day and opened 3 of the days early! That girl is getting so naughty now that she has gained more independence by being able to walk all around!
Keagans tumbling class on Mondays at school ended with a bang this week! She got a t-shirt, a medal, a certificate and snowman candy cane. She was thrilled! Her teacher slipped in the fact that she had the strongest skills in the class. Not sure how many of us he buttered up with that tidbit. But that would come from no fear and having been flipping all over the house for years!

And her gymnastics class today had a fun holiday party too!

Tonight Nana and I joined the Fosters at Sami and Kellies choir concert. It was amazing! Those girls can sing and I love it! But it also meant I didn't get home til 9 and was already calculating everything I need to do tomorrow when I saw this...

It's Keagans drawing of the stable, Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. That sweet girl is really quite fantastic! She knows that our Saviors birth is the whole reason to celebrate all year round! As is His life and atoning sacrifice! Thankfully my five year old knows the true meaning of Christmas and is such a good example to me! Even amidst the December madness!
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