After a late night the girls slept in til 7:45! That alone is a Christmas gift! Then they were so thrilled with the two barbies each and the Barbie Dream House that they just played for quite a while before opening the rest of their gifts. We went to Sa's for our traditional Pakka breakfast and played a hilarious and goofy game called Curses that spurred a serious amount of laughter. Let's just say Sa did a cheer, Todd barked like a dog and I was a psychic ventriloquist! Yes, you read that right! And then we were back to open the rest of the presents.
From lots of different people, Keagan ended up with 6 Barbies and couldn't be more thrilled about them and their house! She was meticulous about setting up all the little pieces! Seriously Barbie has a makeup compact and cell phone! She did like lots of her other gifts but the Barbie mania definitely was her highlight! She is so happy and played with it almost all day.
Riley loves pushing the doorbell on the Dream House and pushing the wheelchair Barbie around by the wheelchairs handle! But she really loves her Sofia the First dress up dress from Grandma Debbie, her Sofia doll from Addie, her child laptop from her daddy and her dance machine game was a big hit! She loves stomping on all the numbers to make music and did it over and over. She had a great time today and is even happy just because I let her play with the scissors or knife used to open boxes. With adult supervision of course!
Both girls loved all the cute little things in the stalkings and from their dad and other loving family members! I adored my gifts from each of them, made at school! A Santa ornament made from Riley's handprint and a handmade Christmas picture frame with Keagans picture inside! Love it!
I made a very traditional dinner for everyone and we had a great time tonight. Today was full of hugs, warmth and joy, all things I'm sure my Savior would want for His birthday celebration! Tonight I am so thankful for Him and for this day!
Merry Christmas 2013!

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