Baking with little helpers is always interesting! Especially ones that are hyper because Santa is coming!

But I did manage to convince my little minions to get some stuff done today! Mwaaa ha ha.

We had such a fun night at the Sundwalls house!

After a yummy dinner we did white elephant gifts. Riley was very pleased with her necklace, Keags traded and negotiated for her pens and I can't wait to watch the Avengers!

We also did traditional Christmas popers with cute little surprises inside.

We got home at 9:00 so we quickly got in our Christmas jammies and put cookies out for Santa and said prayers. Then I quickly got the girls in bed so I could get the presents out of the storage unit!

(Please ignore our stripped tree! Dumb lights!)

SANTA CAME!! Every year I am so thankful for that! And I am INCREDIBLY thankful for the amazing elves who put together the Barbie Dream House a couple days ago!!Those elves just happen to have Foster as a last name. What a great gift to this momma! Apparently it took over 2 hours and the daddy elf had to follow a YouTube tutorial! I seriously had no idea it was so ginormous! What has Santa gotten us into?

The girls were so excited when they went to bed! And I'm so excited for tomorrow too! I go to bed tonight feeling so grateful! I'm thinking the two 5 year olds in the house are going to sleep way better then their momma tonight! But I better at least try...
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