And then we spent the afternoon getting the house decorated for Christmas. Correction, we helped Sa work her magic to make the house look gorgeous!

The girls wanted to play outside so bad but it is SO cold! 41 was the high today! I let them help Nana and I for a little bit outside.

But then the Riley was freezing and demanded to be wrapped in this blanket as she walked around!

After some Nana hot chocolate and once the decorating was done, we did this...

Isn't that a cute belly? She cracks me up! Tonight we drove around to look at Christmas lights. All three of us just love it! It reminded me of when Keagan was two and would say "yights! Yights!" We definitely found a winning house tonight! Dang impressive!

I love this time of year even more when I see the magic in the girls faces. There is so much to see and do, but I really hope the three of us will always keep the birth of our Savior as our true focus at this time. Hopefully the cute Fisher Price nativity's that Keagan played with all day will help us do just that!
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