Sure both girls kicked the stubbornness up a notch, but its been a tough one for no particular reason at all. It's just that my tank was supper low. I was burnt out! I was in a frighteningly desperate need of a break! I rarely get one and sometimes us mommies just need some time all by ourselves, to hear our own thoughts in our heads and not answer anyone else's questions or demands.
I adore my sweet angels! I really do. They are my princesses. See here's proof...we picked up their Halloween costumes this week...

But they both can be winey, stubborn, demanding, sassy and fight with one another. Not to mention the constant need for me. And when it's been months since I've had a break, then I can hit a wall. This week I definitely hit that rock solid, tough brick wall.
I hate admitting it because I so wish I was a supper mom, but Im not. They were basically sucking me dry people! Such a nice and loving thing to say about my children that I adore, isn't it? But I'm just tellin it like it is and like every other mother has felt at some point. So I had two solutions. First was a new behavior chart. We are renewing our efforts to get this crap together!

And my second solution was courtesy of amazing women whom I can't thank enough for their help! Nana watched Keags yesterday while Riley was at school so I could take my car to the mechanic all by myself. I think she was a little alarmed at my harsh and exasperated response to a tantrum throwing Keagan that spurred her babysitting offer. All though I'm not proud of myself, I'm so thankful for her help! And then Taryn watched the girls today for a whole five hours!! It was absolutely amazing! I had a fantastic lunch and long chat with Kelly and then was able to just relax for a while.
In the silence.
All by myself!
It! Was! Amazing!
There are no words for how thankful I am for all the people who love and support me and the girls! I'm so blessed and it was a huge blessing the past two days to have a little bit of a break to recharge, fill my tank.
Being a mom, a single one with a special needs child, is so stinkin tough! Every last tiny second is a thousand times worth it. But it can be so hard! But then I get a break and I'm renewed on my quest and can come back a better momma then before! I'm actually thankful that I hit that wall this week and that I have wonderful people to pick me up, dust me off and steer me back on my course. That is until I hit that wall again. Lets hope next time it's a little softer.
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