She is back at Brill Elementary and has the same teacher and aide that she did last year, whom we LOVE! Miss McGown (formerly Miss B) and Miss Krammer are the best! And we have so many other amazing teachers, administrators, counselors and nurses at Brill that we are so lucky to have! It's clear that Brill loves Riley and they do a fantastic job taking care of her! That's why it's easy to just be happy for Riley that she gets to go back to where she loves!
She is in the afternoon class again so she can do her therapies in the mornings. That means she gets to hang out with Joshua, Chloe and DeShawn from 11-3 and have a fantastic time learning and growing!
This morning I may have gotten some of my favorite pictures ever! She is standing tall by herself and loving her sign and her gorgeous sister! Good luck this year baby!

Precious beyond words. Love those girls.