Tuesday was a full day of Cardiology after two hours of therapy. A long day of testing, including an ECHO and an EKG, that ended with good news. I always get very nervous between the time of all the testing and when the doctor comes in. I just remember so vividly when her heart was so bad, and know that it is always a possibility again. But Doctor Dreyer had great news for us that her heart still looks good and that he didn't want to make any changes to what we are doing. Relief is an understatement!
The other good news is that I think Riley is finally getting used to all of this and was way more cooperative then she has ever been! That is a huge blessing for everyone!

And yes she is wearing an apron from the girls dress up waitress costume! Don't worry she slept in it the night before too. So I guess she's a very silly Wonder Woman. Maybe the apron doubles as a cape.
Today Wonder Woman had an EEG. An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. She basically had 26 electrodes placed all over her head with thick paste and tape and they recorded her brain activity for an hour. They were looking for any seizure or abnormal brain activity.
The last time she did this it was a complete and total nightmare. I could have sold tickets to the horror movie enthusiasts. And last time we were never even able to complete the test because Riley was so upset and combative. That means I have been praying fervently all week that today would go well. My prayers were answered!
On the way there I received inspiration to stop at CVS and buy a hand held mirror. I am SO glad I listened! Riley was mostly calm as she sat on my lap in the hospital bed and looked in the mirror to watch each electrode being carefully placed. That is such an enormous improvement compared to last time! I was actually on pins and needles worrying that at any point she was going to melt into hysterics, but she never did.
At the point of the test that I finally got her to sleep, I sat in the pitch dark room and was almost emotional just wishing my sweet baby didn't have to go through so much. But then I felt her sigh in my arms and I cuddled her tighter and thanked my Heavenly Father that he made her so tough and resilient! I'm just so thankful he sent me Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman hopefully gets her test results back by the end of the week. And now we have a whole two weeks without another doctors appointment for my little super hero. Guess that gives her a little more time to save the world!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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