This morning I had to make several phone calls. I was in the family room with the girls but I was a little preoccupied. I was completely oblivious to the fact that my two little monkeys had a plan up their little jammie sleeves!
Apparently Riley "asked" Keagan to get her a banana. Remember Riley is non verbal. Then Riley took the whole banana and hid behind the chair and proceeded to eat it! PEEL AND ALL!! When I got off the phone and discovered the madness, Riley laughed so hard when she was caught red handed! Or yellow handed really. It was so nasty but she was as happy as can be!

Then this afternoon Riley really showed me what she was made of! I was getting everything ready for dinner early and Riley was desperate to do some walking. I was brave and stood her up and let her go! She walked around the circle through our kitchen and family room probably 60 times! All she did for an hour was walk, walk, walk! She amazes me!! And Keagan was such a sweet cheerleader for her!
But that's not even the best part! She fell so many times. Sometimes she would fall back on her butt and sometimes she would fall forward on her knees. Each time it sounded like it hurt, especially when it was in the kitchen on the wood floor! I kept thinking she would want to stop and let me hold and cuddle her. But with each fall I was amazed at what would immediately follow. She would whine not out of hurt but for me to stand her back up as quickly as possible so she could continue trying, continue pushing, continue walking. With each restart she was continuing to teach me what true determination and inspiration looks like!
Near the end I had to keep the tears out of the chicken enchiladas! She just truly astounds me and makes me feel so honored to be on this journey of life with her! Some people never meet their heroes and I am so blessed that I get to kiss and love on mine everyday! Even when she tastes like a banana peel!
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