The kids had a great time playing in the sand and the water. They built sand castles, splashed in the water, snacked, skin boarded and Sa even orchestrated a cartwheel contest! I had quite a moment of peace at one point. I was holding a darling sleeping Riley in my arms, looking at my sister holding a darling sleeping Keagan, and watching so many people I love play all around me while the ocean breeze refreshed us all. That made all the piles of sand currently covering my car, inside and out, totally worth it!
The day would have been even better if it weren't for way too many ridiculous run ins with jelly fish! All the kids (except one little lucky Keagan) and Miss Taryn were stung numerous times by the aggravating little beasts. A sting is quite painful. The silver lining is The Lord totally prepared us to fight those stupid monsters! When I was at Kroger yesterday, stocking up on water and snacks for the trip, I happened down the baking aisle when a small bottle of meat tenderizer in the midst of rows of similar bottles, caught my eye. That little bottle ended up single handedly saving our trip by taking the sting away in painful situations!
So we were so blessed to have that today plus sunscreen, sand toys and each other. See ya next summer Galveston!

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