
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Poor Thing?!

Yesterday afternoon I went to Target to return something. I was standing in line at customer service with a nice looking woman behind me staring at the girls and I intently. We get stares pretty much everywhere we go. I don't like it, but I'm used to it. I have darling twin girls and one is in a tiny little hot pink wheelchair! I guess I can't blame them for staring. But I can blame them for making not the smartest or nicest of comments.

After she was staring for some time, I gave the woman that slight and polite glance and smile that I normally do. And then she says to me: "You poor thing!!"

Say what?!

She has NO idea what she is talking about! It's actually humorous in a way how off she is! There are other things that have happened in my life that I understand giving sympathy for. But just seeing me push my darling daughter in her wheelchair and answering her cute twin sisters endless questions, does not warrant sympathy by itself.

If this woman could spend more then a couple restless minutes with our little family of 3 she would realize that we don't need the sympathy because we are doing just fine! In fact we are facing all of our little challenges head on and thriving. We learn so much from each other and share more then our fair share of love, joy and fun! So there's no poor thing here! So, random Target woman I politely ask you to keep your sympathy to yourself. But I guess you can continue to stare. I would too!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. How you resist from saying, "Funny, I was thinking the same thing when I saw you!" is beyond me! LOL
    Seriously, I often look at other families and think I will gladly take the challenges Heavenly Father has given me over their challenges. He knows what each of us can bear and what we need to learn and grow.
    You! Are! AWESOME!

  2. Wow. Em.

    I'm speechless.

    You are celestial.

    And so are your wee ones.

    Love you to pieces!
