She's been just slightly out of sorts for two days. But they have been such busy days that she didn't have time to wallow. Her massive meltdown yesterday is what got me wondering and then the blazing fever at 4:45 this morning confirmed it. I should have known! I feel bad that I didn't!
After some Tylenol, Riley and I were off to the instacare at 5am on a Saturday! Strep throat and double ear infection!! My poor baby!

Of course she still smilied and I loved all the cuddles! I just feel really bad for her that I didn't catch it sooner and for her teachers and everyone who helped her yesterday! I'm praying no one else gets it!
She did pretty great all day and doesn't act as sick as she is. Good thing is I got that antibiotic in her early and with strep you aren't contagious anymore and usually feel better within 24 hours. I'm sure hopin that's the case!
Meanwhile back at home, there's these crazy girls...(Addie and Kellie had slept over)...

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