It's 10pm last night. The house is dark and quiet. The girls have been asleep for hours. I am in my dark bedroom kneeling to say my nightly prayers and I hear Keagan's door open.
Usually she comes through her bathroom to my room so it was a little odd. But I just figured she was coming into my room a different way. When she doesn't come in my room I go to find her. "Keagan? Keags? Keagan!" I can't find her anywhere!
But then I hear her! I hear her on Riley's monitor! So I go into Riley's room to find quite a scene. Keagan has climbed up on Riley's bed and is sitting on top of her sister! She is dead asleep and is crying! And on top of her sister!
Poor Riley can not figure out what in the world is going on! She is trying to wiggle her legs out from underneath Keagan but isn't quite sure she's not just dreaming all of this while she rubs her eyes!
So I snatch up the crazy sleep walker and quickly comfort the smooshed and confused one. Once I put Keagan back in her bed, the house goes right back to being dark and quite.
Neither girl has any recollection of the events. Keagan sleep talks A LOT and has slept walked before, but this has got to be the best. I'm sure she just woke up and missed her sister terribly so she decided to go sit on her. That's probably not the case but I choose to believe that. Maybe it's because I'm just mildly worried I might be the sleep walkers next victim!

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