This morning we played board games, painted and then did sidewalk chalk on the driveway. The painting was an even bigger mess then usual and after Riley "added" to a few of Keags chalk drawings, Keagan resorted to drawing lines to section off the driveway to show us where we were allowed to color! Hilarious and fun.

Then it was on to finally see the movie "Cinderella!" It was even better then I thought it would be! Have courage and be kind may be my new motto!

Then we picked up the Frenchs and headed to Grimaldis Pizzeria for dinner. After dinner we went to play outside on the beautiful waterway in the Woodlands. I'm not even sure how it all unraveled but the kids all had a massive party in the sidewalk fountains! Riley was the first and most determined to get wet and was totally hilarious sticking her face right in the water on purpose and running around with her eyes closed! All the kids had a blast and were beyond soaked! There were serious amounts of screaming, laughing and pure joy! Music to my ears and totally worth the soaking wet clothes and car.

On the way home, even soaking wet these kids somehow convinced us to stop and play at a great playground!

So do you blame us that now we are all exhausted! And now that I've typed that all out I seriously can't believe it. So I'm REALY hopin this means tomorrow I can just lay on the couch until we go to church in the afternoon! Surely the girls will sit silently and read books all morning, right? It's the least they could do!
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