Camp Reach A Lot is like reverse field trips. Fun presenters come to the school and classes rotate through to get a lot of awesome experiences in one day!
The girls got to see a milking cow, a renaissance fair performance, and an alligator encounter with snakes, turtles, reptiles and alligators of course! They got to go inside the Discover Dome which is a big blow up dome that you crawl in and a science movie plays on the ceiling. They both loved the amazing magician and got to pet the real life bunny he made appear! And Miss Frizzle from "The Magic School Bus" was a big highlight with her science experiments! Funny thing is Miss Frizzle sure looked a whole lot like my friend Christy from church!

She was AMAZING!

Keagan climbing in the Discovery Dome!

Riley did not like all the animals today! Good thing the wonderful Miss Gilmer protected her from that milk cow!

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