Keagan woke up bright and early, at 5:50 from the serious excitement that field day brings! And of course she had to share that excitement with her sister. That enthusiasm lasted these two all day because their very first field day totally lived up to the hype!
The awesome Brill PE teachers set up such fantastic events! They did 10 stations in the morning including rock climbing, really fun scooter games, hilarious relays, ball games, a pool noodle game and soft dodgeball. After lunch they did 10 other stations including obstacle courses, soccer, a sack race, huge beach balls and water games. The day ended with the entire school cheering on a relay race between representatives from the year long school wide teams of Believe and Achieve.
My babies had so much fun and I was glad I was able to see a little in the morning and a little in the afternoon. Im so thankful Gama Linda stopped by on her lunch break, for everyone who made today possible and especially for all those who helped Riley have so much fun because of their help! The PE coaches, Miss Davis, Miss Benita, Miss Gilmer and Miss Granny are probably all exhausted because they did an incredible job!!
We were exhausted after our early rising and sweaty and sticky too! The second we got home I wanted to put the girls straight in the bath and their clothes straight in the washer. That's when Miss Riley had a MASSIVE meltdown because she wanted to wear her field day shirt that I had already put in the washer. She was irate for over 30 minutes! Nana finally got the shirt out mid cycle, rinsed it in the sink and barely dried it. All the tears stopped when Riley put on her soaking wet shirt! Crazy baby!
I guess she really didn't want field day to be over. Can't say I blame her!

See the puffy eyes and the soaking wet shirt? The field day shirt is that fantastic! And so was field day!!

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