We spent a majority of the day walking around the zoo in gorgeous weather. Then I of course had to go and sneak in a doctors appointment for Riley at Texas Children's. Then we picked up Addie who is staying at our house for the weekend while the rest of her family is at Youth Conference. The four of us ended the day going out to dinner because the house was clean.
Lessons I learned today...
With Riley inevitably having to eat in your car you should just resign and buy the bulk discount at Mr Carwash so you can go vacuum your messy car every four days or more as needed.
It's not worth it to argue with a nonverbal six year old on weather or not she can bring her stuffed elephant with her to the zoo. Even though you have to carry it around yourself, it will be darling when she shows it to the real elephants.
The smell of elephant poop is totally worth watching the toddler elephant be a toddler.
Sometimes you have to give into those smoosh a Penny souvenirs. Truthfully I have always given into this one.
Keagan is more anxious for Riley to go to the doctor then poor Riley and I are! She just not as desensitized.
I have underestimated the amount of joy that wearing medical gloves can bring my children.
After a long day who cares if the children replay the same Annie song 57 times on the DVD player in the car.
A warm chocolate macadamia nut cookie with vanilla ice cream can drown out all your worries! And unfortunately this is the story of my life!
Two seperate Easter packages from grandparents in Hawaii will produce mass amounts of squeals! Thank you, thank you Grandma Debbie, JiJi and Aunty Renee!
Now if someone could just help me learn how to get Miss Riley to look at the camera for pictures then I just might be set!

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You are such an awesome mom! Will you adopt me, please?!?!