One of the main things we are looking at is her hearts Ejection Fraction which is the measurement of how much of the blood her left ventricle is pumping out with each contraction. 55 to 70 is normal. When Riley's heart was really sick, her EF was 21. At an EF of 19 we would have started talking about a transplant. But for over three years, after her miracle heart recovery, her EF has been 65. Today her EF was 55.
55 is still (barely) within the normal range, so it is not too concerning. But it is puzzling as to why it changed by so much. We will go back to Cardiomyopathy Clinic in 6 months to be evaluated again.
So not good news or bad news. Just more news. And more doctors, tests and discussions. After too many hours there I figured we had both earned a little fun! So we had a great time snuggling on the Herman Park Train on this cool day as a little treat!
Shhh, don't tell Keagan!

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