All day the girls and I took it easy in our jammies. We cooked, made giant gingerbread men, played games and visited with Gamas and Auntie Jenn.

While I was cooking, Keags did a little banana pops experiment of her own!

And then we had a fantastic time at the Fosters house for dinner! It was a tastey meal with the Fosters, Houston Ginns and my cute friends the Reisbergers. Sa went all out on the hosting duties and we played several games that of course got loud and crazy in true Ginn fashion.

Then several kids sang Christmas songs including Keags singing "Jingle Bells" and an incredible "O Holly Night" by Sami. We ended the night right with a video of the nativity, dessert and then our traditional Christmas jammies.

We put out our cookies and reindeer food and the girls are fast asleep while Santa came.

I know they are bursting with excitement for tomorrow morning! And I can't say they are alone in that. But I'm thankful that they also know the real reason for the season. In our family prayer tonight Keagan said "thank thee SO much for sending Jesus! And Santa too!" That about sums it up! Merry Christmas Eve!
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