But at least it was one of her favorite doctors, Dr Weschler, who is our Physical Medicine and Rehab Doc. During our hour and a half long appointment today we addressed a lot of issues...new braces, different leg lengths, hips, core strength, gross motor progress and lack of fine motor progress, therapy goals, drooling, tone, cerebral palsy, etc.. The big thing coming out of today is Dr Weschler would really like to try Botox injections on Riley. Yep! It's baby Botox people!
Under anesthetia they would inject small amounts of Botox in Riley's left wrist and each finger to relax them in hopes of her not holding them in such a tight fist so they could be more useful. Also in her left ankle so it could flex more and even in her salivary glands for the drooling. I need to think a lot more about this and do some research before I make this decision. But I have heard of wonderful benefits. We shall see.
This is Riley in protest of leaving our appointment! That's a first. But she really just wanted to stay and hit the handicap door open button more then the six times I already let her do it!

Then after school we busted out 4 dozen Christmas sugar cookies and had it all cleaned up even, in a little over an hour. I'm pretty much winning as a mom today!

And then we watched our very favorite house Christmas light show with Addie and Kellie and tucked in for a cousin sleepover.

Meanwhile that crazy Elmer was busy making a trapeze in the kitchen! Funny how our Elf on the Shelf only does extravagant things when one of my nieces is here!

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Prayers to all. I wanted to add that my husband, Jason, has Botox shots in his right shoulder, hand, and ankle. It really has made a world of difference. Hugs, Mrs. T>