We had Kellie and Addie sleep over last night so the festivities sure started early today! Why not make a "maze" on the carpet at 6am to maneuver the wheelchair through? That was interesting to wake up to. But I'm just thrilled they didn't wake me up that early!

And then it was on to a Christmas time highlight! Making gingerbread houses at the Cook's house with Auntie Andi and Auntie Jenn! So much frosting. So much candy. So much fun! Kellie and Riley made a darling more traditional house and Addie and Keagan got creative and piled on as much as they possibly could!

Then I had to take Miss Riley to the doctor. She had Pulmonology today and the rest of the girls begged and pleaded to come with us. It was a four hour trip of loud silliness that I'm just happy to have survived! We were quite the crew!

And the night ended with a nice family dinner with the Fosters at Cheescake Factory where we stuffed ourselves silly. Isn't that what you are supposed to do during the holidays? I think Sami mentioned she may not be hungry again until Valentines Day!

Happy Christmas Adam! Now let's do this Eve!
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