So much more joy then I can say!

Keagan said it was the "greatest day ever!"
Both girls were so happy, oh I never.

The Trampoline, a marble run, big Anna and Elsa dolls.
Scooters, new shoes, games, dress up and not least of alls..
iPads from their dad, they each got one!
They are both so grateful for all the fun!
A delish Pakka breakfast with the Fosters then.
And everyone played with all the gifts when.

Addie and Kellie then came home with us.
And I got to take a nap with no fuss!!
That's a great gift and also a few others
My sweet girls made homemade gifts for their mother!

After the nap the scene was quite scary!
But I forced everyone to be a clean up fairy!

Then a simple dinner was in store.
We all didn't need anything more.
So I end the day with a heart that could burst.
Because I think about that Christmas of first.

For unto you a child is born.
Eventually this King would be battered and torn.
To be my Savior, Christ The Lord.
Without Him no mistakes I could afford.
But with Him, I am once again whole.
I know that He already saved my soul!
So on this beautiful Christmas Day,
I'm so grateful for Him, nothing more to say!
Merry Christmas!
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