A certain little almost 4 year old, who shall remain nameless, is in a battle with her tired and weary yet determined mother! Her big personality is one that likes control and is prone to unbelievable stubbornness and persistence! Besides the usual 4 year old battle of wills for what to wear, do and eat, she is now pushing to unusual lengths. As an example, this fighter has been potty trained for over a year and a half and is now back to begging to wear a diaper!
This little girl is incredibly smart and can smell a mothers weakness from miles away. Playing on the worry that she's trying to be like her sister (who mom already feels guilty that she gets a little more attention) just may be a tool in her arsenal. And she is a pro at the dramatic tantrums, appeals to Nana, Kellie and Sa, and repeating her requests at least 37,000 times.
Yesterday the battle I speak of hit an all time tipping point. To make a long, rough afternoon short, the brawler SLAPPED her mother across the face! The aftermath was really not pretty and maybe momma had to step outside after a minute so that no one really got hurt. The unnamed must have an aunt who loves her because Sa came to pick her up for the day after the incident. That move may have saved her life!
Once home we had a serious come to Jesus talk that seemed very effective. However the battle today over what to wear to church proved otherwise. I think this exhausted momma is going to have to start picking her battles better and then tuck her head and put her shoulder down to brace for impact!
This battle is to be continued. I have a pit in my stomach that says the rounds have just begun. Man it's a good thing I love her to pieces and she's so darn cute!
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I want you to know my fast today was for you. I love you guys.
ReplyDeleteAnd THIS is exactly why I am terrified of girls. Ooops, too late.