Mister Robert drove us around The Woodlands for a crazy half hour. The kids all had a complete blast exploring every possibility the limo had. They had dance parties, yelled at innocent drivers in their measly little cars, ate their favorite candy, switched seats a million times, fell over and actually flipped and dived all over that 16 passenger car. It was CrAzZzZy!
When the madness ended Mister Robert said in his 22 years of being a limo driver that was the 2nd craziest trip he has ever taken! The top honors was Mr Carraba who took 16 young kids from Houston to Dallas! seriously that is what our 30 minutes came close to!!
Quotes of the night:
•"Welcome to the crazy train!"
•"It's like heaven but black!"
•"I think I see the paparazzi!"
It was a loud 30 minutes that I don't think I want to redo. But it was some great memories! Thanks for the ride Sami!

And my personal favorite...

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