Today was the big day! It was the girls first Primary Program and it was quite a treat. There were 86 kids on the stand singing and speaking. My girls shinned along with all of those cute faces!
Keagans part was "I can follow Jesus's example by being kind to other people." When she got up to the microphone she just stood for a minute despite her teachers and the Primary Presidents attempts to help her. She had a little smile on her face and I think she was just relishing in her 15 seconds of fame! But she did eventually say her part in her sweet voice.
Riley stood on the lap of her teacher most of the program and hardly ever stopped waving at everyone in the audience! She also had a part. Her teacher asked her a question about Jesus and Riley was supposed to shake her head yes. She instead tried to grab the microphone and just beamed her big smile to everyone.
Keagan sang some of the songs even though I'm sure she knows most of them- at least the tunes with whatever words seem to fit at the time. But I did clearly see and or hear her sing "I'm trying to be like Jesus. I'm following in His way." And "choose the right! When a choice is placed before you!" And then both girls were thrilled to do the hand motions of "The wise man built his house upon the rock."
Then at the end of our 3 hour block I went to pick the girls up from Primary. Keagan was hunched over coloring her paper and insisting to me that she was not ready to go yet. She was apparently working on a masterpiece. Once done she ran over to me to show me what she called her "pink Jesus!" I've never seen the Savior of the world this color but she was abundantly proud, it's the best coloring job she's ever done and He looks good in any color!

Church was greater then normal today! I hate to admit it but since I am trying to document our real lives here, I may just have enjoyed sitting quietly by myself just as much as I loved seeing the girls up there participating. Not counting our little battles over sleeping (nap and nigh night time) this was a really great Sabbath Day! One in which reminds me my babies are getting old, the simple testimony of a child is extraordinary and it's nice to sit alone every now and then.
I'll probably have to wait a full year for all those lessons again. But they are worth the wait!
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