This morning was brutal! She was endlessly whining she didn't want to go and this is one stubborn and persistent little girl! I reached the point of needing help with this so I said a quick prayer to help me get this child to school. Almost immediately a thought popped into my head and... it worked! Yes! Jesus loves me!
So I say to Keagan..."Baby I think Kyle might be really scared today. He needs your help at school! Can you be brave and help Kyle?" And tada! Immediately she was on board!

When we saw Kyle and Miss Sarah at school I told Miss Sarah how Keagan was there to help Kyle who just happened to be extremely happy to be at school. Once I gave Miss Sarah "the look" (you know the one) she told Keagan she was afraid Kyle was going to cry. Without even looking at Miss Sarah, Keagan says "Don't worry! I got him!"
Once I picked her up it was obvious she is older since last year because I got a whole run down of her great day! I loved it! The big news is the class pet. A chubby little guinea pig appropriately named Gus! Apparently he talked to them all day and "hims has a cage. Hims has food. And hims has a tv!" Miss Leah and Miss Casey are nice and of course she loved her time with Miss Musik (the music teachers for reals name!) And is finally big enough to play on the big girl playground! What a day!
Of course upon entering the car she immediately stripped off her shirt, socks and shoes and said "man! That's better!" Tonight after quite the difficult convincing to get her in bed, she insisted that she had to do her homework and say her prayers! I'm really hopin she prayed the rest of this year will be a really great one!

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