Another early wake up time was followed by our traditional Pakka breakfast of biscuits, eggs, pancakes, bacon and grits made by the men with some help from the big kids! It was delicious! Then we really just hung out and chatted which was all my favorite part of the trip! A super fun game of football on the beach was a blast! Riley scored a touch down with Kennedy, Keags was a nice little running back and uncle Kirk got totally taken out by Campbell! Seriously good times. Everyone worked together and cleaned and packed it all up. Before we left our great little house all the kids were swinging and singing together! It was the cutest thing! After we took family pics in all of our end of vacation and stinky from playing on the beach selves we took the ferry over to Galveston island. The long wait was worth it for the fun ferry ride and seeing lots of jumping dolphins! Our last harrah together was a late lunch at Fuddruckers on the cute strand of Galveston. With lots of hugs it was as sad as always to say goodbye to the Chicago Ginn's and end our trip. But we left with very full hearts and so much gratitude for an awesome 4 days all together!
After a quick drive home our souvenirs from this amazing trip are lots of laundry, two little girls with colds and nasty coughs, my stupid auto immune rash on my leg which I had to go to the urgent care last night to get a steroid shot for and our gorgeous sea shells that we collected. But we also have fantastic memories and stronger family bonds so it was MORE then worth it!! Thank you Nana for the best Christmas gift ever!!

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