We had a good morning getting chores done and then a really great afternoon meeting the Kreneks and the Ostermanns to see the movie "Trolls" and eat at Whataburger. What a darling group of kids, and it's such a bonus that I love their moms! Keagan had a blast with her besties Lauren and Audrey! They were literally dancing in their seats! But then we had to call the night early because Riley is really wiped out and not feeling great because of a whopping 31 ant bites that she got at recess yesterday! Poor girl can not catch a break!
She feels miserable and I feel miserable for her!! She went to bed in Nana's bed at 5:30 after lots of medicine, more lavendar and a million hugs and kisses. That gave Keagan and I the opportunity for a little ice cream date to Baskin Robbins when we had to run one errand. The one on one time is always great but we both were hating the reason Riley wasn't with us!
See? Total roller coaster of a day! And I have a feeling the end of this presidential election is going to be even bumpier! Heaven help us!! And Riley's ant bites too!

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