Another fantastic day! Donuts for breakfast were eaten outside with the waves crashing right in front of the house and followed up with lots of Black Friday shopping online. There was lots of swinging on the swings and in the hammocks and then Sa had put together a really great treasure hunt/scavenger hunt for all the kids and everyone finished the puzzle. We really enjoyed an adults only seafood lunch while the big kids watched the littles. I got car sick on the way home from lunch and had to make Todd pull over. Not my finest moment! Vicki sent me straight to bed to take an hour nap and I thought there was no way I would sleep longer then 45 mins so I didn't set an alarm and woke up 2.5 hours later! Yikes! I definitely felt guilty. But I obviously needed that! Meanwhile my babies were having the time of their lives on the beach with everyone! They had races, a long jump competition which Riley won and played 4 and 6 square! Riley jumped the waves and then fell asleep in Todd's lap. My Keags who doesn't normally like to swim in the ocean was a total fish and boogie boarded with her cousins! After showers we had a bonfire on the beach for dinner! We roasted hot dogs and made s'mores in a very picturesque setting! We ended the day with more Mexican Train then walking down memory lane, laughing and chatting much too late.
This trip has been priceless and I will forever be grateful for it!
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