Mrs Yancey told me something amazing at school on Friday about Keagan! Friday was Maker Space day for their class and when Keagan came into the classroom that morning all her sweet friends were telling her which activity they were signing up for and wanted her to join them. Well apparently Keagan said "no I will make my own choice of what I want to do. I'm independent!" She wasn't mean about it but she looked at her choices and signed up for something totally different then her friends did. This made me so happy to hear about my strong, smart girl and look how happy she was with her choice...

She also made my heart burst today when she decided all on her own to bare her testimony at church! On the first Sunday of every month we have what we call a Fast and Testimony Meeting. We all come to church fasting for something and then whoever feels inclined to or is moved upon by the spirit has the chance to stand at the pulpit in front of the congregation and bare their testimony. We had a Family Home Evening about testimonies recently and Keagan decided since this was the first time since she was baptized that she should share her testimony! She did an awesome job! She was practically glowing up there and said "I would like to bare my testimony. I'm so thankful I got baptized. And I know this church is true. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen." I am SO proud of her for her faith and her courage!
And Miss Riley has definitely got her own great things going that I can brag about! She is working so hard in therapy! She had a make up OT session yesterday and worked super hard with her left hand!! She is also trying so hard to talk to us in her way. Her wonderful teachers have given us communication boards to use at home and she is doing SO well with them! She points to the boxes of what she would like to say and about refuses to do some things until she says it with her communication board! It's SO great!! Just today we almost left the house for church but she remembered to go over to it on the wall and pointed to "I" then to "go" and then to "church!" I'm so proud of this smart girl and how hard she works to overcome the challenges she's been dealt!
She sure is amazing! They both are!!

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