I dropped Keags at Sa's house and went to the new Texas Children's Urgent Care near our house. The nurse did a quick examination and because of the swelling she thought her finger was broken! So they sent us to the emergency room at St Lukes. This girl and I have seen the inside of an ER about a gazillion times so it wasn't too bad. They cleaned up the wound first and then we struggled to get the right positions for the X-rays as Riley bled all over. Thankfully the X-rays showed it was not broken! Hallelujah! But after more than an hour of direct pressure to it, her wound still would not stop bleeding. That is when the ER doctor cauterized it with silver nitrate. Riley of course really cried during that but she was such a rockstar the whole night!
The night was made better by our usual ER partner, Gramas! And then Miss Taryn brought Reagan, Hudson, Annabeth, Julia and Lilly by as well! They were on their way to the Lindsey Stirling concert! And that would have been the concert that we were going to last night! They actually invited their friends to use our tickets. I was SUPER bummed for us all to miss the concert, but more bummed for my sweet Riley!
Thankfully she seems to be great today and is using her finger! She will have a pretty silvery scab on her finger and lots of bandaids for a little while but otherwise it's business as usual. But we may stay away from paper towel dispensers for a little bit!

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