Yesterday my sweet friends Nikki and Nicole hosted a party for lots of friends in my Ward (congregation) to help me celebrate! Seriously so sweet of them and of everyone who came AND showered me with gifts none the less! I felt so spoiled and loved! It was amazing!

Then Miss Addie slept over last night so that I could sleep in this morning (heaven) and Sa and all the Fosters took Keags and Rys for the whole day! I just got a break when the girls dad was here, but one more day was amazing! What a phenomenal gift from a phenomenal sister! Plus the gorgeous flowers Sa brought to my party yesterday.
I have to say she did look a little tired around the edges when I picked up the girls tonight. A piece of hair was actually out of place, which is unheard of! It was probably the having to feed Riley and listen to Keags sing all day that did her in! But she's a champ!

Meanwhile Taryn and I were out and about with no kids! We had the most incredible lunch at Peli Peli. We stuffed ourselves with delicious steaks and fun South African food! And I do mean stuffed! Then we did some shopping. So thankful for this friend of mine to celebrate the ups and downs and in betweens with because she understands much more then I wish she did!

Nana treated us all to yummy fajitas for dinner and some phone calls, drop offs, texts and messages from more people I love made this day amazing! Miss Keagan made me a very special "cake" and I got lots of cuddles and kisses before bed tonight!

So I am one year older and hopefully wiser too! And definitely thankful for another year to get to make more memories with all these great people!
Year 36 is looking not too shabby!
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Happy birthday sweet friend! Glad your day was awesome! You deserve it!!❤️❤️