There is nothing in particular that's got me down today, no big reason except for some legit PMS, some horrific cramps and a dreary day. The struggle is real friends! Sorry for the TMI.
Oh and there's the fact that I had to buy a CPAP machine today with money I don't have to finally try and get some sleep! Maybe I'm grumpy because apparently when I sleep I stop breathing every 7.3 minutes. Good times! I'm REALLY hoping this expensive little bad boy rocks my world in a good way!

I did get some cheering up from my friend Nicole who made this darling bouquet for me! Everyone that came to my little party celebration wrote something they love about me on the back of each flower! So special! It definitely cheered me up tonight!

It's super rare for me to feel this way and I really don't like it! Which makes me even more grumpy. I'm mulling over some more pathetic then normal parenting tonight and looking at a wasted day. It's time for a seriously hot bath, a good nights rest and a fantastic day tomorrow!
Good thing I picked yesterday to go have lunch with this adorable Kindergartener! Who doesn't love a classic banana phone joke? Love her, just don't love this day!

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