Today when we were walking into church, I was holding each girls hand as they were quietly giggling at each other. In that moment how could I not be overcome with gratitude? Im so thankful to have the most noble, most sacred and most privileged calling of being a mother! It's the toughest and most exhausting job in the world, but I'm beyond grateful that God entrusted me with these two precious little people! I know there is nothing more important or more rewarding that I will ever do, so no wonder it's so hard! And I do mean hard! But when you are paid in hugs, giggles, lessons learned and pure innocent love, then all the work is worth it!
Relishing in my favorite two blessings may have been enough to make for a great day, but I was also spoiled! The girls slept in until 8:40 this morning!! This is practically unheard of and oh so amazing!! They must have heard me saying "if you love me let me sleep!" Then Nana surprised me with a breakfast casserole and a nice pair of earrings from each girl! So incredibly thoughtful and generous of her!
Then it was on to one of my favorite things in the world, homemade gifts from my babies! I'm incredibly thankful for all their sweet teachers who had them make my favorite little handprint presents and homemade cards! I promise they will be cherished forever!

Phone calls and sweet texts from family and friends mean so much, and an impromptu visit and lunch at the Fosters added to the whole feeling of the day. Then at church the primary kids sang two sweet songs that made this mom cry. But it was little sweet tears this time. My cute friend Melanie even snuck a picture of the girls because they were so darling up there!

And finally a delicious dinner made by Todd and sweet gift from Sa to round out a really great day!

Since becoming a mom I have never felt like I was rockin the job. I just happen to think my kids deserve the very best and although I try very hard, a often fall very short. I think most moms feel this way. Satan can really get us by dragging us down while playing up our short comings. He's got quite a trap but I've always loved this quote.

I know I'm not the best mom in the world, but I know I will never give up loving my girls and trying my very best to give them all that they need from me! And I know I will never give up on celebrating the gift of being a mother on Mothers Day each year. Hopefully all those days are as good as this one!
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