I was so happy to see Campbell follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by immersion today by my brother! Better yet was witnessing her receive the incredible gift of the Holy Ghost. I'm glad my girls got to see their cousin make sacred covenants with her Heavenly Father by participating in these sacred ordinances.
But the best part of today was that without any doubt I absolutely felt my dad there! It makes sense that he would never miss a special day of one of his grand children. At one point my mom came and sat next to me, and it hit me SO strongly that he was with her. It was overwhelming. Then as the priesthood holders made a circle around Campbell to lay their hands on her head and give her the gift of the Holy Ghost, I realized they had left a gap in the circle. At that moment I KNEW my dad was standing there!
As the tears rolled down my face, I was so thankful to be there with him! What an incredible gift I was given by being there today. I miss him more then I could ever explain but I understand he is closer then we think and with us more then we know.
I'm so grateful!
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