
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Costume Time!

Keagan has a dance recital coming up in June and today she got her two costumes! When I knew this day was coming I asked around the studio and a sweet dance mom friend gave Riley a costume! So both my girlies were excited to get dressed up today and they both look gorgeous!

Keagan has two costumes, one for tap and one for ballet. I of course think they are over the top darling and she thinks they are over the top itchy! She tried them on for the Fosters at their house for dinner and then for Nana, but was quick to get out of them because of the itchy. Dress rehearsal and recital day will be interesting. Always on the other end of the spectrum, Riley loved her costume and also donated ballet shoes SO much that she put them back on over her pajamas and is currently sleeping in them!

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