Keagan had a super fun birthday party to go to where she got to ride a pony and have a water ballon fight! So that I could take her to that, Gamas took Riley to Maddox's championship baseball game where Riley got to see more people she loves! Then Gamas fed her froyo and cuddled with her. So pretty much both girls had an awesome afternoon!

Then we went to dinner with the Frenchs and you know you've got an exceptional friend when you can tell her your stupid embarrassing or deep hearted stories AND she will feed the Riley! That's no easy task and that amazing Miss Taryn fills in doing it without any complaint! And you know Riley loves it.
And finally we had an incredible night at the Klein Oak Pop Show Choir Concert. Music to my soul sang by two of my favorite girls! Kellie and Sam both did great, Sams solo was incredible and during the senior presentation I cried the ugly cry. This was Keags and Rys first concert in a long time and for almost 3 hours Nana and Kellie held and loved on Riley and Sa kept Keagan happy. They didn't even need me there. But I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

The Lord knew what He was doing when He put all of these wonderful people in my life, here at this time! And there are no words to express my gratitude that He gave me each one of them! When I think about how thankful I am for each one of them, I just may cry the ugly cry again!
It absolutely takes a village and tonight I am so thankful for mine!
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