Today was Riley's annual ARD meeting. There is a whole group of women who not only do massive amounts of paperwork for my daughter, but actually implement it day to day as well! I may have put Miss Gilmer through the ringer this week to get next years goals just right. But I'm really happy with what we ended up with! And even more excited that Riley will have a individual iPad next year at school with the Proloquo2go communication app! First grade is going to be awesome!!

Big thanks to this great teacher! And of course to our favorite principal, Mrs Hernandez!

There are also so many other great women who also make Riley giddy to come to school everyday! Miss Benita works so hard and helps Riley and her cute classmates all day. And Miss Davis comes in and out on some days. They both clearly love Riley, and the feeling is mutual! What amazing women to have on our team!

And then there is Miss Granny, otherwise known as Charlotte Holmes.
This is one incredible woman whom we love and are so thankful for! She has been helping with Riley for three years now and the two have quite a cute little friendship! She completely VOLUNTEERS her time several days a week and comes to feed Riley at school! Not an easy task, and she volunteers to do it! Then she also helps in the classroom.
Miss Granny is building up serious points in heaven for her selfless service! I'm not sure I could ever say thank you enough to her!! Hopefully she likes being paid in prayers on her behalf from an eternally thankful momma and big drooly smiles because she sure gets a lot of those!

When I first decided to send Riley to school, I was so apprehensive. If I would have just known that Riley would be loved by all these wonderful women then I would have been thrilled! To each of them, the Kikuchi girls will be forever indebted to you for loving our Riley! Even though I know the loving part is sure easy to do, the work always isn't. So thank you Team Riley!
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