Riley was just being stubborn. She gets it from me so it really shouldn't bother me. But it does. And Miss Keagan woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I guess falling asleep on the floor after helping Nana sew a quilt while I'm at Young Women's, makes for a fun morning! While I was making their waffles, Keagan says to me with more sass then should fit in her tiny body "mooooom! I asked for some orange juice two times already!! Do I have to do everything?!" Yeah I was supper happy about that one! Good times! That makes for a good start to everyone's day!
But thankfully there are more examples of them being cute then not so cute!! Seriously thank heavens!!
My big girls finally earned their ever so coveted "Seat Pets." Keag's came in handy after she got a flu shot on Tuesday before she went to gymnastics!

Yesterday was Ocean Day at Keags awesome school. She touched a huge octopus, some crabs and fish. She did this really cool fish painting by painting an actual ginormous dump fish blue and then imprinting it on the paper! She was SO excited!

And there is nothing cuter then Riley walking into school with her backpack on! It kills me every time!!

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