We came home exhausted with train whistles and marshmallow guns. But unfortunately Keagan and Riley also came home scared.
This year there were clowns at the event, one of three things that truly scare me! One extra freaky lookin clown just really terrified Riley when he got too close and touched her on the arm. She was panic stricken and I was so mad at that clown and told him so!
So once we got home the scary clown was still on everyone's mind. Shortly after I tucked Riley in bed she burst into those really scared kind of tears. It took a while to calm her down and Keagan was scared and really worried about Riley too. For about 30 minutes I sat and rocked both my girls and assured them that absolutely no clowns could get in our house. Man I hate those darn things!
When I finally put Riley back in her crib, Keagan climbed in too and laid down right next to her. She wrapped one arm around her little sister, and used the other to stroke Riley's face. She whispered "it's ok Riley. I love you Riley!" I just stood there with tears in my eyes as it was honestly the most precious thing I've ever seen! And of course Riley just loved it all and responded with her huge smile! When I thought Keags was done and had her stand up, she laid back down on the other side of Riley and just hugged her so tight! Riley struggled to get her arm up over her sisters back but was successful in returning the hug! Cutest thing ever!!
Man I hate clowns, but if we are going to have to see them I guess I'm thankful they gave the three of us this moment!
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