Keags and Rys did great! Keagan almost knew every word to every song and did great saying her part at the microphone: "Jesus paid the price for my mistakes. If I repent I will be clean." Riley smiled, waved and swung her arms like the choir director as she stood on Gama Linda's lap on stage. When it was her turn to say her part she grabbed the mic and smiled big while she moved her mouth open and shut. Gamas read her scripture for her. Both girls were excited to be up on stage and waved at me in the audience several times! I was so proud of them and wished this Sunday could be once a month!
Afterwards so many people stopped me to say how darling both the girls are and how great it was to see Riley up there participating! Everyone mentioned her infectious smile and several said she made them cry. It really made me thankful for a loving and supportive Ward! It seems just what the Savior would want for this single mom with special kids to have lots of people to love them and help teach them the gospel!

After a yummy dinner with the Frenchs where they gave us our birthday gifts (Keags has been begging Miss Taryn for her stepping stool) things turned sour on a great Sunday. I had to go to the urgent care for stupid but nasty rash all up my left foot and leg and behind my right knee. And guess what?!.....
It turns out I have POISON IVY!!! I've never experienced this intense burn, itch and pain before. I've been absolutely miserable for 2 days! After I had been with Riley in the ER and away from Keagan I decided to take Keags to the park for some quality one on one time. I guess that's where I was exposed.
Good glory this is the last thing I need! I have way too many things to do to be this miserable and this drugged up and exhausted! I guess it's a fitting end to a crazy two weeks around here! After I get rid of this awful infection I'm just praying we coast right thru the holidays into the end of the year with no more unusual happenings. Boring and normal sounds great right about now! In fact boring and normal are quite underrated. They don't have poison ivy! Excuse me while I go dip my leg in more Calamine lotion.
ReplyDeleteEven though we miss you here in Hawaii, you and the girls are where you need to be and most importantly where Heaven Father wants you to be. A sign of true character is shown when someone rises to the great challenges of life and you Emily have the greatest character of all. The most beautiful thing about it is that you truly believe that these challenges ARE YOUR BLESSINGS and make us believe it too. Your angel daughters ARE TRULY your GREATEST BLESSINGS and TREASURES!