7 needle sticks
6 X-rays
6 enemas
5 doses of Zofran
4 bags of fluid
1 catheter
1 abdomen ultrasound
A gazillion vitals checks
And my poor baby is miserable! So that means I'm miserable too.

Today we should have been at a BYU football game! But instead we were at TCH in the ER all day. And that's after spending the last two days in the ER at St Luke's in the Woodlands. My poor Riley bug. Her GI tract stopped working this week. No poop since Sunday, about 20 throw ups, some serious dehydration, lots of missed medication, a fever and one exhausted and lethargic baby!
Our great pediatrician sent us on Thursday and Friday and then last night I promised the doc if she threw up again I would go down to the med center for an ultrasound today. They ran every test possible and ruled out all the big stuff. Riley just has one heck of a nasty virus! Hopefully in a couple of days she will be better. And hopefully we will all get some serious rest too!
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