Five years have flown by! I'm a little bit in denial that they are going to be that old. Every year this night is a little bit of a solemn one. It just takes me back to the night before their birth and just how insanely crazy that time was! I was terrified of bringing two little babies, whom I called Leni and Ninja into the world two and a half months too early. A world that I knew was going to be just the three of us soon. A world that was not at all what it was supposed to be. It's a little heavy. But then I look at these gorgeous faces and think about all that the three of us have accomplished in five years with the help of The Lord of course! I marvel at how far we've come and I can't imagine my life without them!
Words can not express how thankful I am to be Keagan and Riley's mom! They challenge me, make me laugh and fill my heart with everlasting joy!
The presents are wrapped and their traditional decorations that I've done every year for them are up! I'm ready to celebrate the two most amazing little girls I've ever met! Bring on the birthday!

They celebrate you and you celebrate them. They may not have two present parents, but they got a whole heck of a lot in one. Happy birthday sweet girls! Happy birthday, sweet mama!